Georgia Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

Cyber Security Site Assistance Visits

We identify and work with underserved small to medium-sized GA businesses. Providing zero cost, world-class cyber security site assistance visits to understand your needs. The site assistance visit aligns us with your strategic business needs and requirements. Our program is designed to deliver your business a high-quality, value added site assistance visit. We accomplish this using industry leading technologies, on-demand training for your organization, cyber security certifications for three of your information technology and/or cyber security personnel, an executive brief, and tabletop exercise.

The result will be a better trained workforce, a better understanding of your current risk posture, and recommendations for moving forward. Our goal is to aid you and your organization in creating or maturing a culture of effective cyber security via zero cost consultation.


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*This program is supported by a Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant [04-79-07807] administered by the Economic Development Administration, an agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Additional match funding was provided by the State of Georgia. The contents provided are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Economic Development Administration, the U.S. Government, or the State of Georgia.